
Blake Cole received his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He was part of the MIT-WHOI Joint Program, and was coadvised by Dr. Peter Traykovski and Prof. Henrik Schmidt. While at MIT, Blake developed a first-of-its-kind design optimization methodology for aerodynamically-actuated wingsails, and validated his approach using a bespoke in-situ data aquisition rig called the WingDAQ. He also made meaningful contributions to the field of marine vehicle autonomy, including a novel instantiation of the unscented Kalman filter that is particularly well-suited to long-distance vessel tracking and collision avoidance. Moving forward, Blake remains interested in designing, building, and testing new types of uncrewed surface vehicles and flying machines.


  • Design Optimization
  • Marine Vehicle Autonomy
  • Feedback Control Systems
  • Hydrodynamics


  • Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, 2024

    Massachusetts Institute of Technology

  • M.S. in Civil & Environmental Engineering, 2015

    Stanford University

  • B.S. in Environmental Engineering, 2013

    University of California, San Diego



Founder, CEO

SeaWing, LLC

Oct 2023 – Present Redondo Beach, California
  • Building state-of-the-art uncrewed surface vessels for academic research, defense (ISR), and commercial offshore applications.
  • Consulting for marine vehicle autonomy and design optimization.

Visiting Oceanography Faculty

Sea Education Association

Jun 2023 – Aug 2024 Woods Hole, Massachusetts
Developed lecture materials and planned field trips for a college-level introductory short course in oceanography.

Marine Engineer

Virgin Hyperloop One

Sep 2015 – Feb 2018 Los Angeles, California

Led the marine research program, which was responsible for assessing the feasibility of constructing subsea hyperloop transportation systems.


  • Developed multiple regional ocean models driven by wind, wave, and tidal data.
  • Computed recurrance intervals for extreme sea states based on historical data.
  • Performed strucutural finite element analysis for various subassemblies.
  • Formulated requirements and conducted the initial design of a tubular thermal expansion joint.
  • Developed and field-validated a nonlinear heat transfer model for a prototype hyperloop system located outside Las Vegas, NV.

Independent Contractor

United States Geological Survey

Jun 2015 – Feb 2016 Santa Cruz, California
Assisted in the development of a sediment transport model integrating longshore and cross-shore processes for predicting long-term shoreline response to climate change.

Environmental Engineer

Naval Information Warfare Center - Pacific

Jun 2012 – Sep 2013 San Diego, California


  • Testing & development of handheld contaminant sensor.
  • CFD simulation of sediment transport processes.
  • Field deployment and retrieval of a benthic microbial fuel cell.

Programming Languages





Cole, B. (2024) Wingsail design methodology and performance evaluation metrics for autonomous sailing, PhD thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, doi: 10.1575/1912/69625

Cole, B. and G. Schamberg (2022) Unscented Kalman filter for long-distance vessel tracking in geodetic coordinates, Applied Ocean Research, 124, doi: 10.1016/j.apor.2022.103205

Cole, B., M. R. Benjamin, and S. Randeni (2021) AIS-Based Collision Avoidance in MOOS-IvP using a Geodetic Unscented Kalman Filter, OCEANS 2021: San Diego – Porto, 2021, pp. 1-10, doi: 10.23919/OCEANS44145.2021.9705900.

Vitousek, S., P. L. Barnard, P. Limber, L. Erikson, and B. Cole (2017) A model integrating longshore and cross-shore processes for predicting long-term shoreline response to climate change, J. Geophys. Res. Earth Surf., 122, 782–806, doi: 10.1002/2016JF004065.


Leveraging the ADCIRC Model to Plan a Long-Distance, Open-Water Swim from Woods Hole to Martha's Vineyard

Preamble At 5:58am on the morning of July 30th 2022, a small group of swimmers dove into the shallow waters off Woods Hole, …

Hello World + Bio

Hi everyone! Welcome to my blog. In case you skipped over the About section, my name is Blake, and I am currently a doctoral candidate …


  • Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 86 Water Street, Woods Hole, MA 02543, USA